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The Energizer Blog

Double Trouble

Writer's picture: Eileen McDarghEileen McDargh

Eileen with brother as children in bedroom with toys

Surely that’s what Mom must have said when the doctor announced in the delivery room, “Wait. There’s another baby coming!”

Actually, in those days, they put the mother on heavy knock-out drops and the only thing she can remember saying is, ”That means we’ll need another pair of skis.” We were born in Denver, Colorado.

My twin John popped out first, followed by yours truly six minutes later. According to the birth certificate, we were healthy but tiny... a little over 4 lbs. Appropriately we were born on Labor Day!

Each birthday, I must marvel at the odds of two eggs being fertilized. I marvel that we must have been cooing that special twin language even before our parents knew we existed. I recall how Mom said they had to put us into different classrooms in elementary school because they thought we were copying each other. Not so—call it a twin connection.

John is the most generous, compassionate, loving, funny and brilliant twin on the planet—in my humble opinion. The fact that his students at Boston College vie to sit in his classes, write him after graduation, and seek his counsel says volumes. Even though John is now retired, they still reach out to him.

How blessed I am to share this date with Professor John McDargh.

Happy birthday, twinner.


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