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The Energizer Blog

Five FAST Energy Fixes for YOUR Body

Writer's picture: Eileen McDarghEileen McDargh

Five FAST Energy Fixes for YOUR Body

While the debate goes on about energy companies and the EPA, let’s get personal about our own energy consumption. No, not oil or gas but rather what saps the very energy of our bodies. Let’s face it; we all know the mantra, “too much to do and too little time”. So we throw ourselves feverishly into life.

Stop. Here are some ideas that take a little time but can result in an energy boost.

  1. Drink water. Yep, plain old water. Our bodies become fatigued when they are dehydrated. The problem - your body doesn’t TELL you it needs water. Which is why you could set your smartphone to buzz on the hour and go grab at least 16 oz. of water every hour. Women need about 64 oz. a day and men about 96 oz.Glub Glub.

  2. Get some shut eye with a power nap. Ten minutes seems to be what brings me back to life.When I worked for a company, I sometimes closed the door and curled up under my desk. Not a good idea though because when someone came in and I was sound asleep, I almost knocked myself out by sitting up too quickly under the desk.  Putting my head down on the desk was a much better idea.

  3. Exercise regularly. Seems like a no-brainer but so many folks don’t do that. Just 30 minutes of any type of aerobic activity of ANY intensity has been found to up the endorphins, clear the cobwebs, and send blood to your extremities.

  4. Hug!It would be best to hug a person but you can also count on a pet. Scientists have found that hugging increases oxytocin and decreases the stress hormone cortisol.Love hugs!

  5. Write in a gratitude journal.When we focus on what we are grateful for, it creates a subtle but strong energy force field that helps a sense of optimism and also possibility.

I would love to hear what you do that renews your energy.And I will send more tips in further blog posts.

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