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The Energizer Blog

Seven Tips For Managers In A Burnout-Prone World

Writer's picture: Eileen McDarghEileen McDargh

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Consider these thoughts as you seek to keep a team focused and engaged.

  • Remember that legacy can be a lien on the future. Are people doing “things” because no one has challenged the status quo?

  • Encourage employees to be push-back zealots—asking them to point out activities that add no value to the end results.

  • If there is merit in an activity, make sure everyone understands why.

  • Be an on-the-ground leader. Look for points of stress within the organization and then work alongside those employees.

  • Recognize the law of diminished return. Specifically, the quantity of one’s efforts and the quality of one’s efforts are not in balance. Major issues with rework, miscommunication, and even accidents occur when an employee is exhausted.

  • Create fun in the process. An assisted living center needed to totally clean and paint the kitchen in the memory care unit of the building. The executive director told her staff to come in in old clothes and prepare for manual labor. The executive director led the charge, putting on upbeat music, encouraging singing while they worked, and had pizza brought in as a lunch treat. More work, yes. But because the senior leader became intimately involved AND made it fun, no one complained. Yes—this was pre-Covid-19 but it’s still a great idea when we can work in other ways.

Get outside assistance and coaching for employees to learn how to handle their own levels of stress on and off the job. I’m doing ZOOM coaching. While we are responsible for the choices we make and can learn to respond in more life-affirming, re-energizing ways, it sometimes might take an outsider to prompt this awareness. Give me a call at 949-637-4233.


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