Whether your group includes dozens or thousands, Eileen McDargh’s message resonates with each individual.
Since 1980, tens of thousands of association members, employees, and conference attendees have heard Eileen speak. These organizations and individuals reap amazing rewards, including:
improved leadership skills • increased communication • healthy work/life balance
Click to view client list within each industry:
"...thank you for the powerful comments and insights you shared on the closing panel!"
"More McDargh Please!
Midmorning of day two of the Fairbanks Virtual Resiliency Conference, that has been both uplifting and informative, I was wondering if it could get any better, and in zoomed Eileen McDargh with some golden nuggets of humor and wisdom. The hour and a half that she spoke went by way too quickly. She is an expert story teller and made learning 4 basic skills for building resilience engaging, fun, easy to relate to, and memorable. Her stories about “Red Ants”, “Little Davids”, and “Horse Sense” brought the lessons to life with humor and relevance. At the end I was left wanting more! Do yourself a favor and invite her to your next conference! Your participants will thank you!"